Social and cultural secretary’s @ BCA1960
BCA is such an
h o n o u r a b l e
organisation, that I
am proud to be a
part of. As the social
and cultural
secretary, I seek to
promote my
homelands values
and customs.
Bangladesh is recognised
for its rich and unique culture worldwide. Around the
world, people have faced many struggles following the
aftermath of the pandemic, but as we work together
with the BCA and the Bengali community, we can
bring people together. Food is essential to our lives in
more than ways than one, and with the BCA we can
help promote our industries and cultures. The
Bangladeshi livelihood and cultures contributes heavily
to tourism in the UK, and as the ‘oldest, biggest and
strongest’ organisation, the BCA hopes to increase this
as years go by. The BCA is always on hand to help and
provide for those in need. We continue to expand and
succeed by innovating our organisation while
exceeding customer expectations through our love
and passion for cooking while maintaining our
traditions and cultures. We are entrepreneurs and will
continue to thrive our longevity and flagship our
industry. We take this moment to remember and thank
those members of the BCA that are no longer with us,
and pray for them to be granted the highest level of
Jannah. Ameen.